Friday, October 26, 2012

Spooky Day 6



Yay we are now on Day 6 of my Halloween Count down. It means we are getting super close to Halloween.  I know most people are going to be celebrating Halloween this week end by going to super fun and scary Halloween parties. So today I am going to talk about those super fun Halloween parties!!

Well I bet everyone has a great story about a Halloween party that they have gone to and I also have a few. I won’t talk and talk about all of them so I will tell you my favorite.


So every year my aunt and uncle throw a Halloween party up at their house. They really get into in. They decorate their house inside and out. I mean they go all out to the point that they have a haunted house in their basement. Yep you read that right my uncle makes his own haunted house in his basement. It is really awesome he makes everything himself. He makes skeletons, coffins gravestones and so much more. He has a mad scientist room, evil doctor room and a vampire room. (there are more but I haven’t been in it for a while so sorry) but it’s really cool.


So every year they invite all my family and have a giant Halloween party. We would all go trick or treating together and at the end we would go through my uncles haunted house and he would give big candy bars out at the end for people that made it through. The reason why those are my favorite Halloween parties to go to is because I love that I get to be with all my cousins, aunts and uncles and just have a lot of fun on a great holiday!


Whats your favorite Halloween party to go to? Do you have the same one each year like I used to or is it different each year? Let me know!


See you tomorrow for spooky day 5!!

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