Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 2 Halloween Count Down

Day 2
Well its day two and tomorrow is Halloween. So today I am going to be talk about GHOSTS!!
It is so fitting that it would be Halloween and that we have a ghost that lives in our apartment. Yes I am going to talk about the little ghosty that lives in our apartment for day two.
Our little ghosty like to drive me crazy. He likes to knock over our gate, open cabinets and even turn the heat on. My dogs like to stare and bark at him.
And I know for sure he is here because my husband is a huge skeptic and he swears he saw him looking at him. That makes me think that there is here.
Thats my little story about the ghosty living with me.Does anyone else have any stories about ghosts? Let me know.
Tell tomorrow! Chow!

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