Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 5 of my Halloween Count Down!!

Day 5
Well its already day 5 in my Halloween count down. I cant believe how the time is flying by. I have been seeing posts all day about the fun Halloween things that people are doing. Its all very exciting. Well for day 5 I am going to talk about something very near and dear to me. ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!
I have been a Rocky Horror Picture Fan for about four years now. This year will be the first time I will be missing it due to the fact that I have no one to go with. (Randy would never go.) I am really sad that I cant go but being the Rocky Fan that I am I have the blu-ray copy of it to watch tonight.
The reason why I love Rocky Horror Picture Show so much is because it is just a wacky fun thing to do around Halloween. What I love about it is that everyone dresses up (i'm not so exterme about it.) and just has fun for the couple hours they are there.
The first time I went to Rocky Horror I was so nervous because I didnt know what to expect but it was so much fun. I think that everyone should go at least once in their lives because it is such an experience.
The whole show is very interactive. You get to yell and dance and even throw things during the show. I cant even explain how much fun it is. Im not even going to try and explain the plot of the movie to you because you will think that I am crazy but I will tell you that it is a musical which once you see it will want to by the CD.(I DID!!)
Well thats my rant about Rocky!! How many have see Rocky Horror? What did you love about it? What did you hate? When are you going to see it again?

Well see ya all tomorrow for Creepy day four of my Halloween Count Down.

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