Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 7 of Halloween Count Down

Day 7

 I’m feeling quite under the weather today so I am going to make Day 7 of my Halloween Count Down short and sweet. Pumpkins. I am going to talk about the awesome thing called pumpkin carving. I love pumpkin carving because it means that we are really close to Halloween night.

 I love going out and picking the very best pumpkin in the patch. Last year my husband brought me a really small cute pumpkin from the pumpkin patch because I was busy working when he went. When we carved pumpkins last year it was fun because we thought we were being creative by drawing on them first but we are both really bad at drawing and apparently even worse at pumpkin carving.

 They turned out cute after about 2 hours of us struggling trying to get any sort of cuteness out of the pumpkin. I think in the end we came up with two really cute pumpkins.
How else loves pumpkin carving? What are the cutest pumpkins you have ever carved? Do you ever cook the pumpkin seeds and eat them after? How long before Halloween do you carve your pumpkins?

Let me know!! See ya for day 6 tomorrow1!

1 comment:

  1. I like pumkin carving, but HATE cleaning the pumpkin out, so it's rare I carve them anymore. :o)
