Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 8 Halloween Count Down

Day 8
Well its day 8 of my Halloween count down. Today is something I am really excited to talk about. HAUNTED HOUSES!! Me and haunted houses have a love hate relationship. I love the thrill about not knowing what is around the next corner but I hate that I know it is going to scare the living day lights out of me.
I havent been to a haunted house since I was living in Utah because they dont celebrate Halloween in Germany. I do miss getting together with friends and family and going to scary haunted houses. I remember when I was maybe fiften years old me and some of my family went to a haunted house called The Haunted Forest. It took place out side in a huge field. It was terrifying. The scariest part about it was that they had people walking around on their hands because they were to look like they were cut in half. It was dark so it look real and I was completely terrified.
The next year I went to a haunted house with my sister and some of my firends and I was fine throughout the entire haunted house. I was scared yes but it was nothing that I couldnt handle. UNTIL I got to the end of the haunted house. They must of known my worst nightmare becuase at the end they had a giant man chasing people with a chain saw. So being absolutly teriffied as I was I pushed my sister towards him and ran out of there as fast as I posibly could. I know what everyone is thinking: "How could you do that?" Well ever since I saw Texas Chain Saw Masacre I have been so affraid of chain saw. I cant even watch shows that have chain saws in it.
Well now that I am back in the states I cant wait to go and vist haunted houses again. But sadly I have to wait one more year because my husband will be gone.
So does anyone have any favorte haunted houses that they go to? What is the scareist one you have ever been to? Are you excited for the haunted house season? Let me know! See ya tomorrow for Day 7 of my Halloween Count Down!!

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