Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Count Down Day 9

Day 9

Today is day 9 of my Halloween count down. Today I want to talk about another one of my favorite things about Halloween. Candy! Candy is a great part of the Halloween spirit. What is better than going out with friends and family trick or treating and getting bags full of candy? Nothing. It is just so much fun for everyone to have that I can’t wait until I can share that with my future children.


One of my favorite things was going out when I was younger with my parents and trick or treating. My mom, dad and sister would go out around our neighborhood for hours trick or treating. It was like a surprise at every door step because you never knew what you were going to get. After we made our rounds around the neighborhood we would go home so my dad could sort through the candy. He would occasionally sneak a few pieces without me or my little sister noticing. Then we would all eat chili and have a few pieces of candy then it was off to bed. It would take weeks to eat all that candy and I swear that my sister and me where in sugar comas the whole time.

When I got older and into middle school I stopped trick or treating with my parents and moved onto going with my friends. I remember me and my best friends dressing up as a bumble bee and little red riding hood. We would meet up with a few other friends and roam the neighborhood looking for houses that wouldn’t mind taking older trick or treater’s.  There was one house in her neighborhood that had more than just candy. They had cotton candy, popcorn, root beer and so much more. It was one of our favorite houses to go to. I hope that they are still continuing doing that because it was a lot of fun.

Those are some of my favorite memories of candy and trick or treating when I was younger. Is there any other fun trick or treating memories out there? What everyone’s favorite candy? I would love to know!!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, there was a family who did homemade root beer. It was my favorite place to stop because they had it in a big cauldron with dry ice so that you got the creepy fog effect along with the delicious root beer.

    When my kids were younger there was a family who gave out KING size candy bars. I bet you can imagine which house was the favorite in that neighborhood.
