Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 2 Halloween Count Down

Day 2
Well its day two and tomorrow is Halloween. So today I am going to be talk about GHOSTS!!
It is so fitting that it would be Halloween and that we have a ghost that lives in our apartment. Yes I am going to talk about the little ghosty that lives in our apartment for day two.
Our little ghosty like to drive me crazy. He likes to knock over our gate, open cabinets and even turn the heat on. My dogs like to stare and bark at him.
And I know for sure he is here because my husband is a huge skeptic and he swears he saw him looking at him. That makes me think that there is here.
Thats my little story about the ghosty living with me.Does anyone else have any stories about ghosts? Let me know.
Tell tomorrow! Chow!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 3 Halloween Count Down

Day 3
Well its day three of my super spooky fun Halloween count down. Today I am going to talk about witchs because they are one of the Halloweenie thing there is.
Some of the most fun memories I have of Halloween was watching witch movies with my little sister. We would watch Hocus Pocus and Practical Magical. We watch them over and over. After we would watch Hocus Pocus my sister, my friend and me would act like we were the witches from the movie. I was always the Sara, my sister was always Winnie and my friend was always Mary. It was fun we would pretend that we were flying around on brooms and we would make "potion." It was a lot of fun to pretend around Halloween.
Also Practical Magic is another witch movie that I love to watch around this time a year. Its a great movie that showed me when I was little being yourself is important even if you stand out from the crowd. I still like watching that movie because it is very entertaining.
Witches are a great part of Halloween and I am glad that they are on my Halloween count down. Does anyone have any fun stories about witches and Halloween? I would love to hear them.

See ya tomorrow for Day 2.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 4 Halloween Count Down

Day 4
It is getting really close to Halloween. We are already on day four. Well for day four I am going to talk about a few of my favorite scary movies. I love to watch scary movies! They are even better this time a year. I am not allowed to watch them as much as I like to anymore because I have nightmares and it drives my husband bonkers.

Last year for instance my husband and me went to a friends house and we watch The Grudge and Paranormal Activity 2. Lets just say a year latter and I still cant sit on the stairs alone. But that doesnt mean that I dont love them.
One of my favorite scary movies would have to be the Scream movies. I just love the suspense and all the twists in the story.I also like The Ring because it was something different that I hadnt seen in a scary movie before.
My all time favorite scary movie series is the Resident Evil series. It is such a great zombie series because it takes you through to the very start of how the outbreak started. I have seen the whole Resident Evil series a couple times and I loved the new one Resident Evil: Retribution. It was very suspenseful and it leaves room for another one to be made.
Now that I have talked about a few of my favorites I want to talk about one scary movie that has scared me so bad that I cant even be around chainsaws. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the most terrifying movie I have seen. Not only was it scary it has made me so paranoid of driving on empty highways and chainsaws. The fact that it was made from a real life event makes it even worse. It was a great movie and scared me to no end.
Well thats it for my scary movie talk. Whats your favorite scary movie? Whats you least favorite scary movie?
See you tomorrow for DAY 3!!! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 5 of my Halloween Count Down!!

Day 5
Well its already day 5 in my Halloween count down. I cant believe how the time is flying by. I have been seeing posts all day about the fun Halloween things that people are doing. Its all very exciting. Well for day 5 I am going to talk about something very near and dear to me. ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW!!
I have been a Rocky Horror Picture Fan for about four years now. This year will be the first time I will be missing it due to the fact that I have no one to go with. (Randy would never go.) I am really sad that I cant go but being the Rocky Fan that I am I have the blu-ray copy of it to watch tonight.
The reason why I love Rocky Horror Picture Show so much is because it is just a wacky fun thing to do around Halloween. What I love about it is that everyone dresses up (i'm not so exterme about it.) and just has fun for the couple hours they are there.
The first time I went to Rocky Horror I was so nervous because I didnt know what to expect but it was so much fun. I think that everyone should go at least once in their lives because it is such an experience.
The whole show is very interactive. You get to yell and dance and even throw things during the show. I cant even explain how much fun it is. Im not even going to try and explain the plot of the movie to you because you will think that I am crazy but I will tell you that it is a musical which once you see it will want to by the CD.(I DID!!)
Well thats my rant about Rocky!! How many have see Rocky Horror? What did you love about it? What did you hate? When are you going to see it again?

Well see ya all tomorrow for Creepy day four of my Halloween Count Down.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spooky Day 6



Yay we are now on Day 6 of my Halloween Count down. It means we are getting super close to Halloween.  I know most people are going to be celebrating Halloween this week end by going to super fun and scary Halloween parties. So today I am going to talk about those super fun Halloween parties!!

Well I bet everyone has a great story about a Halloween party that they have gone to and I also have a few. I won’t talk and talk about all of them so I will tell you my favorite.


So every year my aunt and uncle throw a Halloween party up at their house. They really get into in. They decorate their house inside and out. I mean they go all out to the point that they have a haunted house in their basement. Yep you read that right my uncle makes his own haunted house in his basement. It is really awesome he makes everything himself. He makes skeletons, coffins gravestones and so much more. He has a mad scientist room, evil doctor room and a vampire room. (there are more but I haven’t been in it for a while so sorry) but it’s really cool.


So every year they invite all my family and have a giant Halloween party. We would all go trick or treating together and at the end we would go through my uncles haunted house and he would give big candy bars out at the end for people that made it through. The reason why those are my favorite Halloween parties to go to is because I love that I get to be with all my cousins, aunts and uncles and just have a lot of fun on a great holiday!


Whats your favorite Halloween party to go to? Do you have the same one each year like I used to or is it different each year? Let me know!


See you tomorrow for spooky day 5!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 7 of Halloween Count Down

Day 7

 I’m feeling quite under the weather today so I am going to make Day 7 of my Halloween Count Down short and sweet. Pumpkins. I am going to talk about the awesome thing called pumpkin carving. I love pumpkin carving because it means that we are really close to Halloween night.

 I love going out and picking the very best pumpkin in the patch. Last year my husband brought me a really small cute pumpkin from the pumpkin patch because I was busy working when he went. When we carved pumpkins last year it was fun because we thought we were being creative by drawing on them first but we are both really bad at drawing and apparently even worse at pumpkin carving.

 They turned out cute after about 2 hours of us struggling trying to get any sort of cuteness out of the pumpkin. I think in the end we came up with two really cute pumpkins.
How else loves pumpkin carving? What are the cutest pumpkins you have ever carved? Do you ever cook the pumpkin seeds and eat them after? How long before Halloween do you carve your pumpkins?

Let me know!! See ya for day 6 tomorrow1!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 8 Halloween Count Down

Day 8
Well its day 8 of my Halloween count down. Today is something I am really excited to talk about. HAUNTED HOUSES!! Me and haunted houses have a love hate relationship. I love the thrill about not knowing what is around the next corner but I hate that I know it is going to scare the living day lights out of me.
I havent been to a haunted house since I was living in Utah because they dont celebrate Halloween in Germany. I do miss getting together with friends and family and going to scary haunted houses. I remember when I was maybe fiften years old me and some of my family went to a haunted house called The Haunted Forest. It took place out side in a huge field. It was terrifying. The scariest part about it was that they had people walking around on their hands because they were to look like they were cut in half. It was dark so it look real and I was completely terrified.
The next year I went to a haunted house with my sister and some of my firends and I was fine throughout the entire haunted house. I was scared yes but it was nothing that I couldnt handle. UNTIL I got to the end of the haunted house. They must of known my worst nightmare becuase at the end they had a giant man chasing people with a chain saw. So being absolutly teriffied as I was I pushed my sister towards him and ran out of there as fast as I posibly could. I know what everyone is thinking: "How could you do that?" Well ever since I saw Texas Chain Saw Masacre I have been so affraid of chain saw. I cant even watch shows that have chain saws in it.
Well now that I am back in the states I cant wait to go and vist haunted houses again. But sadly I have to wait one more year because my husband will be gone.
So does anyone have any favorte haunted houses that they go to? What is the scareist one you have ever been to? Are you excited for the haunted house season? Let me know! See ya tomorrow for Day 7 of my Halloween Count Down!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Count Down Day 9

Day 9

Today is day 9 of my Halloween count down. Today I want to talk about another one of my favorite things about Halloween. Candy! Candy is a great part of the Halloween spirit. What is better than going out with friends and family trick or treating and getting bags full of candy? Nothing. It is just so much fun for everyone to have that I can’t wait until I can share that with my future children.


One of my favorite things was going out when I was younger with my parents and trick or treating. My mom, dad and sister would go out around our neighborhood for hours trick or treating. It was like a surprise at every door step because you never knew what you were going to get. After we made our rounds around the neighborhood we would go home so my dad could sort through the candy. He would occasionally sneak a few pieces without me or my little sister noticing. Then we would all eat chili and have a few pieces of candy then it was off to bed. It would take weeks to eat all that candy and I swear that my sister and me where in sugar comas the whole time.

When I got older and into middle school I stopped trick or treating with my parents and moved onto going with my friends. I remember me and my best friends dressing up as a bumble bee and little red riding hood. We would meet up with a few other friends and roam the neighborhood looking for houses that wouldn’t mind taking older trick or treater’s.  There was one house in her neighborhood that had more than just candy. They had cotton candy, popcorn, root beer and so much more. It was one of our favorite houses to go to. I hope that they are still continuing doing that because it was a lot of fun.

Those are some of my favorite memories of candy and trick or treating when I was younger. Is there any other fun trick or treating memories out there? What everyone’s favorite candy? I would love to know!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

10 Days of Halloween

Well I know I am a little beyond the time but I have decided to write a post about my favorite season. FALL! I love this time of year. I love the weather, the air, the feeling, Halloween, the leaves, thanksgiving; I could go on and on about what parts I love. My most favorite thing about this time is Halloween. I am going to have 10 Days of Halloween just so I can talk that much about my favorite time of year.

DAY 10

Halloween is great. It is just a fun time of year where you get to dress up and have a fun time with friends and family. Last year me and my husband both dressed up and went with a bunch of friends to a Halloween party and it was great. We also dressed up our Chihuahua as a taco to match my husband. He didn’t really enjoy it that much.

With it being so close to Halloween I want to talk about scary movies, ghosts and the paranormal, costumes, candy and so much more but I just don’t have the time to talk about that much stuff at once.

So for this post I want to talk about costumes. I’m not going to get the chance to dress up this year because my husband will be out of town and I am new to this area but I still want to talk about them.

My friend Amber and me have been kind of dressing up for Halloween in the same genre. Two years ago we were superheroes and last year we were kind of fairy tale characters. I was the mad hatter and she was snow white. It was so much fun. My husband last year was the first time he dressed up in a while. He wanted to be a taco for Halloween. Yep, a taco. So we decided to match our dog with him so they were both tacos. His costume was one of the funniest costumes at the party.

So what I am wondering is what are the popular costumes to be this year. What is everyone dressing up as? Are there any funny and really creative ones?
See you tomorrow with Day 9!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Im back!

Im back...
I was on a cruise this last week with family. This week I am going to post a review of the cruise and ports. I will also post a book review, something fun for halloween and maybe some cute new outfits for the fall season!

See ya soon!!