Sunday, September 30, 2012

Women's Rights

Alright a couple days ago I posted my paper about Advertising for my Sociology class. Now I am going to post my second research paper about Women's Rights to see if I can get a little feedback about it. Well here you go.....

Women’s Rights


                How far have women really come since 1848 for women’s rights? Are there certain things that still need to be focused on regarding gender equality? This paper will discuss how women have been fighting to change women’s rights and what still needs to be changed as far as making sure there is equality between sexes. Also this essay will be talking about gender affects many aspects of people daily lives and if these certain things are helping women move forward with equality or if they are holding them back. There are a lot of equalities between men and women but there are still places in society that need to be changed for the better.

            The first thing that will be talked about is basic feminine theory and the different type of feminist there are to help give a understanding as to who is making changes for the greater good of women’s rights. According to Society: the Basics, written by John J. Macionis “feminism is support of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism.” What that means is that feminist really doesn’t want one sex to be more highly valued then the other. The feminist wants equality for both sexes. (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) Macionis says that feminist believe in 5 basic principles: to take action to increase equality, to expand human choice, to eliminate gender stratification, to end sexual violence and to promote sexual freedom. (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) These five ideas are not only to help women gain equality it is for both sexes to be more equal. The ideas that are listed above do not hurt women’s rights they are trying to promote them to help women gain equality also.

            To say that all feminist want the same thing is true in the most part but depending on the type it would show you how far they want the equality of men and women to go. Macionis describes three types of feminism in his book. They are liberal feminism, socialist feminism and radical feminism. (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) He describes the liberal feminist as wanting to follow basic society organization but they want to expand on women’s rights and opportunities. He describes the socialist feminist as wanting to change society through a social revolution ending all “domestic slavery.” Last he describes the radical feminist who wants to end the family system all together by eliminating gender. (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) The three different types of feminism described all want change and more equality they just believe in different way of going about to achieve it.

            Women’s rights all started with feminist looking for change. Next will be described some of the key events that have help women’s rights today. The Post and Courier wrote an article called “The women's rights movement: A timeline of significant events” in the article are some key years that have been for women’s rights. In the year 1848 five women made history by organizing a two day convention held in Seneca Falls, NY. (Courier, 2012)By organizing the event to talk about women’s rights they started the women’s rights movement. A few years later in 1869 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (two of the women involved in the Seneca Falls convention) established the National Women’s Suffrage Association. (Courier, 2012)In 1913 Alice Paul and Lucy Burns started trying to get women the right to vote but the 19th amendment wasn’t passed until 1920 which made it legal for women to vote. (Courier, 2012)A little bit latter in 1963 congress started to pass a few acts for women in the work place. In 1963 congress passed the Equal Pay Act which requires equal pay regardless of sex, race or national origin. (Courier, 2012) In 1964 congress passed another act, the Civil Rights Act which makes employee discrimination illegal. (Courier, 2012)A few years later congress passed another act in 1978, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which prevents discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace. (Courier, 2012) It wasn’t until 1993 that the Family and Medical Leave Act were passed by congress which gives women time off of work after they give birth. (Courier, 2012) In 1994 is when the Violence against Women Act was passed by congress. (Courier, 2012) The Violence against Women Act provides funds for victims of rape and domestic violence. It was the most progressive act in nearly two decades. The most recent event was in 2009 when President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act which allows someone to file a complaint with the government if they believe their pay is not equal with someone that is doing the same thing. (Courier, 2012)All of these events have moved equality forward for women. It is important to know that there are still things that can be changed to help create more equality between sexes.

            Continuing on will are a few different ways feminist theories looking at sexuality and gender and if these help or hurt women’s rights. Macionis in his book Society: the Basics describes how the feminist theory views sexuality. The feminist theory says that sexuality is a part of social inequality. (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) How that relates to women’s rights is that sexuality is going to put holds on how people will perceive you based on your sexuality. That is going to hurt women’s right because if people are brought up to believe that one sex is greater than the other they might pass that same belief on to their child and so. Next will be how feminist theory views deviance and gender. Macionis says “Research confirms an important truth: Whether people define a situation as deviant-and, if they do, who in the situation is defined as deviant-depends on the sex of both the audience and the actors.” (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) That relates to women’s rights because it tells that certain things will be judged based on your sex by the people that are judging you if you committed a crime. That doesn’t help women’s right because it does mean that there are still inequalities in the justice system.

            Moving on to how gender roles have affected women’s rights in either a positive or negative way. Macionis says “Gender roles (also known as sex roles) are attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex.” (Macionis, 2009,2011,2013) The types of areas that gender roles affect are family, schooling, media and the workplace. From when we are born there are all ready set standards that girls and boys are suppose to follow. As we get older we are still meant to follow these standards that even lead over into adult hood. These gender roles have been affecting women’s rights because if we are raised to believe that one sex is greater than the other then it will be hard to change the inequality between the two sexes.

            Therefore one of the last things that affect women’s rights is all the people that are still opposed to the fact that there should be equality between sexes. T. D. Rozairo and H. Zheng wrote a article called “11 Myths and Facts about Feminism.” One of the things that they talk about in their article is “There are still many inequalities in society’s perception of the roles of men and women. We want to build a world in which no person, because of their gender, must curtail their hopes and dreams.” (T. De Rozario, 2010)They say that because there are still people how think that women should stay home and men should go to work. That hurts feminism and women’s rights because women should be able to go out and achieve their goals just as must as men.

             In conclusion to what is helping women’s rights move forward and what is keep women’s rights  on the back burner is society. It is people still thinking that women should be at home instead of equally achieving in the workforce. But with change and feminist pushing forward with what they believe there can eventually be equality between sexes. It may take a while before things are completely equal but with enough work it will happen.



Courier, T. P. (2012, March 9). The women's rights movement: A timeline of significant events. Retrieved from The Post and Courier:

Macionis, J. J. (2009,2011,2013). Society: The Basics. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education Inc.

T. De Rozario, Z. H. (2010, Febuary 26). 11 Myths and Facts about Feminism. Retrieved from Association of Women for Action and Research:

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