Sunday, September 23, 2012

Puppy Love

Ok so I was going to write about some more of my adventures in Germany but I have decided to write about something really strange….My dog.


My dog Pazoozoo (that’s right his name is Pazoozoo) he likes to do the strangest thing that I have ever seen. He loves to cuddle with me and my husband when we sleep but that is not the issue. Its him wanting to be under the blanket all the time. He loves to be under the blanket. He always seems to find his way under the blanket. When we wake up in the morning to get ready for work he is under the blanket. When I am done making the bed he has found a way to get under the blanket from jumping up from the side of the bed to get under the blanket. He is under there no matter how hot it is. There was one day that me and my husband were sleeping with just the sheet but yet Pazoozoo still wanted to sleep under the blanket at the foot of the bed. We have to be careful when sitting on the bed because sometimes he is under the blanket and we don’t want to squish him.


So I was wondering if anyone else has a dog that loves to be under the blankets no matter what? We don’t mind it we were just wondering why he is doing this silly thing.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, he's so cute! Lily is the same. She likes to burrow. I think some dogs are just that way. Gus likes to lay on blankets, but not so much under them. Who knows why?
